What is Location Awareness?

There are two (2) available features associated with using the built-in location features on your iOS device:


Automatically learn the job's location when you clock-in

When creating a job, there is an option to enable automatic location learning. Upon clock-in, the device will retrieve the location at that time and set it as the location of job place.


Automatically detect when entering or leaving a job's preset location

If there is a location set for the place of job, and with this option turned ON, Work Clock will register the job location as a geofence region and will respond accordingly if an arrival or leave is detected. 


There are four (4) available actions when an arrival or leave is detected using the built-in geofence features - Do Nothing, Notify Me, Clock In and; Clock In & Notify Me. 


Please note that location awareness feature is only available on iOS version of Work Clock.

Important note: Please have Wi-Fi enabled for better location accuracy.

Tags: geofence, location awareness, work clock
Last update:
2016-10-13 05:04
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)
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